

    Glendale Union High School District is a top-performing district in the Metro-Phoenix area. We are proud to offer open-enrollment opportunities to families who would like to choose one of our high schools for their teenager to attend. Open enrollment allows Arizona students to attend public high schools outside their attendance boundaries. 

    The official Open Enrollment/Variance period for the 2024-20245 school year begins October 2.       Open Enrollment Policy JFB

    October 2
    Parents/guardians can pick up the checklist of what information will need to be provided to complete the open enrollment/variance process from the high school. 

    November 6
    Parents/guardians turn in paperwork from the checklist and will be given an open enrollment form to complete at the school. The home school (in-district) signs and date stamps at the top of the open enrollment form.

    November 16
    Future Freshman Night — Students are encouraged to attend their home school Future Freshman Night.

    November 17-Ongoing
    Schools will continue to process open enrollments as they are submitted.

    ***Sunnyslope High School
    All completed qualifying open enrollments submitted between November 6-November 20 will be entered into the lottery pool. On November 29, Sunnyslope will conduct the lottery. Visit www.guhsdaz.org/sunnyslope for more information.

    December 1
    Online registration for the 24-25 school year begins.

    For more information about GUHSD open enrollment opportunities/boundary exemptions and/or variance process, please contact the school of your choice:

School Directory
  • High School


High School
8045 N 47th Ave
Glendale, AZ 85302
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